Past events
Team Research Microcatalyst Funding Launch
Register Now! Team Research Community Event: Micro-catalyst Call Launch 2024/5 Date: 15th October...
Training Course on In situ experiments and Digital Volume Correlation
Digital Volume Correlation (DVC) is a powerful experimental technique that computes 3D full-field di...
AI-Fun with ELLIS Seminar | José Miguel Hernández-Lobato: Deep Generative Models for Molecular Simulation
The Manchester Centre for AI Fundamentals and Manchester's ELLIS Unit are co-hosting a series of sem...
Lane Lecture 2024: Delivering Occupational Health Research in Government: an important front line service?
HSE has a proud history of undertaking occupational health research, either by funding others or usi...
Gateway to Translation: Lesson learned from AI-enabled RNA-small molecule drug discovery
Join us for our free online webinar, as we hear from Dr Rabia Khan on the topic of 'Lesson learned f...
Gateway to Translation: Lesson learned from AI-enabled RNA-small molecule drug discovery
Join us for our free online webinar, as we hear from Dr Rabia Khan on the topic of 'Lesson learned f...
Training Course on Visualisation & quantification of tomographic datasets
A 2 day training course covering theory and computer-based practical works using the Thermo Scientif...
HRFH Webinar: Digital Measures in Parkinson's Disease
Join us, in our second Health Research from Home webinar, for an in-depth analysis of Verily’s ‘...
Lunch Seminar with EPIC Games, Creator of Fortnite
[UoM internal staff & students only] Lunch Seminar Event: Enhancing Higher Education with EPIC Games...
Centre for Digital Trust and Society Forum 2024
The Centre for Digital Trust and Society focuses interdisciplinary research expertise at the Univers...