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Department of Computer Science

Blue, computer generated image of person with half a head

Artificial Intelligence

Intelligent systems are part of the foundations for the next major industrial revolution.

Our facilities

We boast an incredible array of facilities, making our innovative artificial intelligence research possible.

Our research sits at the forefront of fundamental research and seeks answers to questions that could revolutionise AI. From the theory and practice of machine learning, including deep neural network architectures, causality, and knowledge representations, through to robot-human interaction and language learning. We are forging a path toward seamless integration of intelligent systems into our natural environment.

Areas of expertise

Our researchers focus their work in the following specialist areas:

Postgraduate research projects

Artificial intelligence projects

Sophia Ananiadou projects

Mauricio Alvarez projects

Richard Banach projects

Riza Batista-navarro projects

Ke Chen projects

Angelo Cangelosi projects

Jiaoyan Chen projects

Lucas Cordeiro projects

Louise Dennis projects

Clare Dixon projects

Marie Farrell projects

Alejandro Frangi projects

Andre Freitas projects

Michael Fisher projects

Samuel Kaski projects

Dirk Koch projects

Konstantin Korovin projects

Christoforos Moutafis projects

Tingting Mu projects

Anirbit Mukherjee projects

Goran Nenadic projects

Paul Nutter projects

Nhung Nguyen projects

Norman Paton projects

Vasilis Pavlidis projects

Pavlos Petoumenos projects

Oliver Rhodes projects

Rizos Sakellariou projects

Uli Sattler projects

Renate Schmidt projects

Mingfei Sun projects

Viktor Schlegel projects

Youcheng Sun projects

Junichi Tsujii projects

Ning Zhang projects

Liping Zhao projects