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Department of Computer Science

Abstract connections of lines and spheres

Data science

Our expertise spans the full data science life-cycle: from information management and privacy, via machine learning and representational logics, to practical applications in bio-health informatics.

Our facilities

We boast an incredible array of facilities, making our innovative data science research possible.

A key feature of our approach is closely coupling methodology and application. This creates a self-fulfilling loop, where challenging real-world problems drive the methodology research agenda, but also provide a natural route to exploiting new algorithms and methods.

We believe this deeply multidisciplinary approach is one of the distinctive features of data science at Manchester.

Areas of expertise

Our researchers focus their work in the following specialist areas:

Postgraduate research projects

Data science projects

Mauricio Alvarez projects

Richard Banach projects

Ke Chen projects

Jiaoyan Chen projects

Lucas Cordeiro projects

Alejandro Frangi projects

Andre Freitas projects

Simon Harper projects

Samuel Kaski projects

Dirk Koch projects

Tingting Mu projects

Mustafa Mustafa projects

Goran Nenadic projects

Paul Nutter projects

Norman Paton projects

Oliver Rhodes projects

Rizos Sakellariou projects

Uli Sattler projects

Sandra Sampaio projects

Viktor Schlegel projects

Youcheng Sun projects

Markel Vigo projects

Liping Zhao projects