Guaranteeing Reliability for IoT Edge Computing Systems
Primary supervisor
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- [1]. R. Vattikonda, W. Wang, and Y. Cao, "Modeling and Minimization of PMOS NBTI Effect for Robust Nanometer Design," Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM Design Automation Conference, pp. 1047-1052, July 2006.
- [2]. W. Wang et al., "The Impact of NBTI on the Performance of Combinational and Sequential Circuits," Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM Design Automation Conference, pp. 364-369, June 2007.
- [3]. H. Dogan, D. Forte, and M. Tehranipoor, "Aging Analysis for Recycled FPGA Detection," Proceedings of the International Symposium on Defect and Fault Tolerance in VLSI and Nanotechnology Systems, pp. 171-176, October 2014.
- [4]. K. M. Zick and J. P. Hayes, "On-Line Sensing for Healthier FPGA Systems," Proceedings of the FPT Conference, pp. 239-248, February 2010.
- [5]. C. Leong et al., "Aging Monitoring with Local Sensor in FPGA-Based Designs," Proceedings of the International Conference on Field programmable Logic and Applications, September 2013.
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Other projects with the same supervisor
- Power Management Methodologies for IoT Edge Devices
- Skyrmion-based Electronics
- Skyrmionic Devices for Neuromorphic Computing
- Power Transfer Methods for Inductively Coupled 3-D ICs
- Competition Funded Project (European/UK Students Only)
This research project is one of a number of projects at this institution. It is in competition for funding with one or more of these projects. Usually the project which receives the best applicant will be awarded the funding. The funding is available to citizens of a number of European countries (including the UK). In most cases this will include all EU nationals. However full funding may not be available to all applicants and you should read the full department and project details for further information.
Project description
Typical IoT Edge devices collect data from several sensors and may also control several actuators depending on the target application. The data related to these sensors and actuators undergo some processing and are often augmented with security features if the date is of sensitive nature. After this lightweight processing, data is typically transferred to the Cloud for further processing and analysis. Data rates for IoT domains, such as industrial and structure monitoring can be considerably high due to the nature of these applications.
Consequently, the electronics supporting these applications have considerably "on times," a system feature that places high stress on the circuits, thereby accelerating reliability degradation mechanisms, such as aging due to Bias Temperature Instability (BTI) [1], [2] and Hot Carrier Injection (HCI) [3]. This project, therefore, will focus on developing design techniques and circuits to mitigate these issues without degrading performance. The idea is to approach this well-known issue by considering the specific characteristics of IoT applications rather than developing solutions in isolation as has been done to date. The developed methods will be prototyped on an FPGA device to experimentally evaluate their efficiency [4], [5].
The student will develop deep understanding of the reliability mechanisms in integrated circuits, which have increased in importance due to the envisioned applications and the gigascale density of nanoscale feature devices in modern integrated systems. In addition, the student will acquaint herself with the IoT world and will gain solid knowledge in IC design tools. This project is ideal for students who desire to pioneer the design of tomorrow???s IoT Edge devices.
Person specification
Applicants will be required to evidence the following skills and qualifications.
- Self-motivated, with the drive and initiative to carry out projects according to plan, and the ability to quickly adapt in a fast-changing environment
- A degree (or equivalent experience) in Computer Science, Electronic Engineering, Maths, Physics, Data science or a similar relevant science or engineering or technical subject.
- Strong programming skills, with confidence and independence in programming complex systems
- An informed knowledge of and passion for IoT technologies
- Awareness of emerging trends and developments in relevant technologies, gained through project work as part of a relevant degree, extra-curricular project work or employment experience
- Good written and oral communication skills, able to promote ideas by logical argument and capable of presenting the results of a project in a clear and effective manner
- Ability to rapidly acquire new skills and to work with new technologies with little documentation or support
Applicants will be required to evidence the following skills and qualifications.
- Previous academic or industry experience in Natural Language Processing or Human-Computer Interaction.
- Sound time and resource management skills and be able to lead, motivate and direct support staff and contractors contributing to the project
- Ability to work as part of a multi-disciplinary team